
Showing posts with the label Sad poetry in urdu 2 lines

Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & PicSad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic

Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl اِک تیری برابری کے لئے   خو د کو کتنا گِرا چُکا ہوں میں One for your equality   But how much have I fallen? आपकी समानता के लिए   लेकिन मैं कितना गिर चुका हूं?

Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics

Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl سو چتا ہوں کبھی کبھی یوں ہی   آ خر ہرج کیا تھا،اسے منا نے میں मुझे कभी-कभी ऐसा लगता है   असली खतरा क्या था, इसे मनाने में I sometimes think so   What was the real danger, in celebrating it

John Elia Poetry sad poetry in 2 line

 John Elia Poetry sad poetry in 2 line Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl یہ مجھے چین کیوں نہیں پڑتا   ایک ہی شخص تھا جہان میں کیا؟ Why don't I have it in China?   What was the one person in the world? मेरे पास चीन में क्यों नहीं है?   दुनिया में एक व्यक्ति क्या था?

Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic John Elia Poetry

Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl بھٹکتاپھر رہاہو ں ، جستجوبِن   سراپاآرزوہوں ،آرزوبِن۔ जस्टिन में घूमते हुए   सरपरज़ोन, आरज़ोबिन। Wandering in, Justin   Saraparzohn, Aarzobin.

Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines by John Elia Poetry

Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines by  John Elia Poetry Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl غیر کے دل میں ا گراُترناتھا   میرے دل سے اُترگئے ہوتے۔ Non-heartbreaking in the heart of the no   Would have descended from my heart. गैर के दिल में गैर-दिल की धड़कन   मेरे दिल से उतर गया होगा।

Find Sad Urdu Poetry 2 line Pic John Elia Poetry

Find Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic  John Elia Poetry Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl جو گزاری نہ جاسکی ہم سے   ہم نے وہ زندگی گزاری ہے ۔ जो इसे बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकता था   हमने वह जीवन जिया है Who could not afford it   We have lived that life

Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic 2 lines Urdu poetry sad

Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic 2 line Urdu poetry sad Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl یقین کرو اگر  درد تحریر  ھو سکتا  نا..!! تو  میں  لفظوں  کے  جنازے اٹھا  .دیتا..!! मेरा विश्वास करो अगर दर्द प्रेषित किया जा सकता है .. !! तो मैंने शब्दों की शवयात्रा उठाई .दिता .. !! Believe me, if the pain can be transmitted .. !! So I picked up the funeral of words. Dita .. !!

Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic

Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl بے حِساب حسرتیں نہ پالیئے جو مِلا ہے اُسے سنبھالیئے Do not be reckless Take care of what you got लापरवाह मत बनो आपको जो मिला है, उसका ख्याल रखें

Read the best collection of Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic

Read the best collection of Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl نظرانداز کرے جو کوئی سکون کیجئے جانے دیجئے किसी को भी नजरअंदाज करें जाने दो Ignore anyone Let go

Find the best collection of 2 lines Urdu poetry sad.

Find the best collection of 2 lines Urdu poetry sad. Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl لوگ اکثر ........ وفا نہیں کرتے تم بھی چاہت کو مختصر رکھنا People often do not ... You, too, keep the desire short लोग अक्सर नहीं ... आप भी, इच्छा को छोटा रखें

The best collection of Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic

The best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic Read the best collection of  Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best  collection  of  2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing  Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by  urdupoetryl  . ہم بھی مشہور ہوے بعد ترے تم بھی گمنام تھے ہم سے پہلے हम भी प्रसिद्ध हो गए आप भी हमसे पहले गुमनाम थे We also became famous You too were anonymous before us

Find Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic

Find Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic Read the best collection of Sad Urdu Poetry 2 lines & Pic .  We offer Shayari from popular poets of the subcontinent.  Find the best collection of 2 lines Urdu poetry sad . We provide amazing Urdu sad poetry in 2 line pics. These pic and poetry designed by urdupoetryl دل کی ضد ہو تم ورنہ   ان آنکھوں نے بہت لوگ دیکھے ہیں आप जिद्दी हैं या अन्यथा   इन लोगों ने कई लोगों को देखा है You are stubborn or otherwise   These eyes have seen many people ‏ہزاروں کا ہجوم ہے دل کے آس پاس   دل پھر بھی دھڑکتا ہے ایک ہی نام سے दिल के चारों ओर हजारों की भीड़ है   दिल आज भी उसी नाम से धड़कता है Thousands are crowded around the heart   The heart still beats by the same name اترتا نہیں موت سے پہلے   عشق ایسا بخار ہے سائیں मृत्यु से पहले उतरना नहीं   प्यार एक ऐसा बुखार है Not descending before death   Love is such a fever محبت اور موت کی پسند تو دیکھو   ایک کو دل چاہیے دوسرے کو دھڑکن प्यार...